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unverified 4y, 53d ago

I find your blog from threads about Remarkbox in Did you consider to use a serverless architecture like aws to host Remarkbox? I was playing with docker / docker-compose. When I considering to build website widgets, I think that serverless may be more scalable than docker approach. How did you think about it?

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russell 4y, 53d ago [edited]

Until we have a free and open source "serverless" arch that doesn't cause immediate vendor lock-in, I will prefer monolith and/or microservice architecture.

Additionally, being able to move quickly and develop anywhere, even offline is so important to my workflow. Both the monolith, and services arch support this. Docker doesn't get in the way and actually helps glue bits together.

I believe strongly that it is too soon to target development on any serverless arch for any essential business processes.

I build it traditionally and I use serverless only where it has real advantages, when it's the best tool to solve the issue at hand.

That said, I do think there is slight room a hybrid approach where unessential tasks get overflowed and offloaded to something like AWS Lambda during times of surge. A hybrid-serverless, if you will.

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