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unverified 7y, 6d ago [edited]

Very well written article. Thanks for exposing so many good links resources, I honestly struggled to find any around.

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russell 7y, 6d ago

You are very welcome! I hope this helps. Feel free to reach out over email if you have any specific questions.

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unverified 5y, 326d ago

Has someone tried HPA for selenium node. I not able to scale up as the CPU consumption is very low.

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russell 5y, 326d ago

What does HPA mean in the context of Selenium node?

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unverified 5y, 72d ago

I did try and you can see my talk here - (slides 19-21) but not yet 100% successful. My issue is, Kubernetes still not able to get the mertics even though metrics server is running fine. @russel

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unverified 5y, 258d ago

this is a very, very useful article, accurate and easy to follow. K8s is a fast development project, which leaves many other article hard to follow, and setting up correctly. Glad I found this one.

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unverified 5y, 197d ago

thanks for such a detailed explanation. this is very useful information. Saved a lot of time and effort researching.

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unverified 5y, 93d ago

Hi Nice Article. But How do I scale Selenium HUB because that is single point of failure.

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russell 5y, 93d ago [edited]

While Selenium Hub is a single-point-of-failure, the recovery time of a failure is almost instant because Kubernetes will schedule a replacement container right away.

Sometimes removing a single-point-of-failure results in a more confusing and difficult to operate system. I didn't want to take on that risk.

In my situation, I had no need for HA (high availability) because the mean-time-to-recovery of a Selenium Hub is so fast and without any real consequence.

I think you should review your requirements to see if you really need a HA Hub.

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unverified 5y, 30d ago

For all the chrome nodes the VNC port is 5555 and its connected to localIP. In this case how do we access the console. For example if we install this selenium grid on an ec2 machine then how we access the VNC desktop via public IP?

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unverified 3y, 159d ago

Is it possible to attach physical Mac to a Selenium grid on kubernetes to run appium test on iOS simulators ? thank you

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