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unverified 6y, 248d ago

V helpful. Happened to me once. Never again


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3KCaenHR 6y, 196d ago

Is the moral of the story, associate your email with the account when you sign up? Or are you saying that in doing so, you are making it less secure, so don't do it?


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rF3G88in 6y, 38d ago

If you are dead set on using GreenAddress then definitely associate an email address as well as multiple 2FA devices. But the best path would be to either learn to manage your own mnemonic/private key or use a service that doesn't punish you for being a beginner.

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unverified 5y, 211d ago

What I would say is always save your 2FA seed in a password manager like 1Password and enable cloud backups.

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unverified 6y, 184d ago

The exact same scenario happened to me. My funds are stuck for about half a year, and growing in value ever since, of course.


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unverified 5y, 211d ago

That's one way to ensure savings discipline...

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unverified 6y, 135d ago

This is what’s happening to me right now I did it last week only I had my email but when the funds got sent off but no still haven’t been confirmed and the apps wiped all my transactions so the only thing I can view it on is blockchain

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unverified 6y, 131d ago

I got screwed with XAPO like that - the change their 2FA so it can only be accessed if you have an android phone associated with the phone you originally signed up with because you have to install their own custom app on the phone - I used my old "flip-phone".

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cTzmZLlk 6y, 116d ago

If you still need help retrieving your bitcoin cash, I made an online tool for recovering bitcoin cash from GreenAddress (there still might be some more unclaimed bitcoin cash).

YouTube walkthrough:

Recovery tool link:

Post on /r/bitcoin:

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unverified 6y, 104d ago

Hi, I'm in the same situation. Did you solve it?

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unverified 6y, 63d ago

Exact thing happened to me. I was a first time user of BTC and realized I would never be able to send it out of there. Youch! Like you have to read every single nook and cranny of the security section before you ever make a move. You're right, they should make the steps in set up a bit different and make you use google auth to log in, or at least make doubly sure you write down a recovery seed for the G2FA, or something.

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hdOWSuO9 4y, 288d ago

I sent BTC from my greenaddress wallet to my Badger wallet which I come to find out is a BCH wallet only. How do I go about recovering my funds? Thanks in advance.

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unverified 4y, 70d ago

I discovered this site after looking into GreenAddress and signing up (which was today: 23rd feb 2020), having finally bothered to take the plunge and start in on learning about and using cryptocurrencies...

I completely understand how easy it could be to fuck yourself royally by not understanding things or reading a little before banging loot into an account, which seems to me a bit foolish when dealing with money - particularly with a new technology like cryptoloot.

I found after logging into the website or desktop app and skim reading the descriptions for each of the settings - took 2 minutes as there's only 4 sections (I have this need to know what choices/options/features are in the settings before I actually waste my time with an app in case it's missing something I want/need), that the "nLockTime" feature (which I still know only a little about at this point) will NOT work without email notifications enabled for BOTH incoming and outgoing transactions - which it says highlighted in blue right under the nLockTime block number and blocks to day conversion info. Once notifications are enabled you can change the number of blocks to reflect a time limit more to your liking to wait before redeeming funds without GreenAddress' signature... which seemed moderately important to me upon reading it, despite not fully understanding what that means/requires/involves but that will come later, what's important is to have things set up in a manner that doesn't hinder usage.

Thus, I smashed an email in there, set up 2FA for G Auth, SMS, and Email on 2 separate devices - then enabled notifications for incoming and outgoing transactions so I hopefully won't have any issues accessing any loot I dump into this wallet.

So, to sum up -

Use your ayebawlz and at least fucking skim read shit, then properly set things up before you blunder into something you might regret... ESPECIALLY where your bloody money is concerned XD

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