How can I add Remarkbox to my web page?

russell 7y, 118d ago [edited]

To add Remarkbox to your web page:

  1. verify your email address
  2. Submit your fully qualified domain name
  3. Add a small code snippet to your web page HTML
  4. Enter a credit card and choose how much you want to contribute, otherwise use PayPal (optional)

Note: When you verify that the comment section is loading on your site we will also verify that you have control over the site / domain.

As always, if you have questions leave a comment below!

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Jeremy 3y, 274d ago

Hi russell,

For step 2, I guess the distinction between the www and naked domain is important.

eg. remarkbox .com versus www.remarkbox .com

I kindly suggest adding a note to that effect in the setup instructions.

Other than that, I was able to get it working on a Hugo static site in only a few minutes! Very cool. Thanks

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

russell 3y, 274d ago

Thank you for the feedback, I've updated the instructions above.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!