is there a way to remove the need for verification?

xalli 1y, 11d ago [edited]

i want users to be able to just write what they have to say without needing to log in or make an account and just put a name in...

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

aliensunset 51d, 17h ago [edited]

same, i want my users to be able to remain anonymous, or not, but not have to sign in. why not a simple "name" "email" "website" form at the bottom, that attaches the relevant info to the post? hell, i bet you could even set it up to email that email with any replies, even if they don't actually have an account.

having to do a stupid signup/verification dance when they want to comment is a great way to discourage users. not everybody wants to share all their info and make new accounts for every tiny little webapp.

if they are actually interested in the convo, they can come back to check, or yes, create an account for email notifications.and there are already moderator tools to be able to filter out any dross that non verified user may create.

---also, in creating an account to be able to make this comment, your emails all went into my spam folder, yet another barrier. this is kinda stupid.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

russell 51d, 7h ago [edited]

It's open source so you can literally fork this code & make it better. If an anon uses a fake or invalid email the comment still shows up!

If we make email optional that might be what you are looking for, merge requests will be reviewed!

If you create a git account message me so I can approve & group you into the proper roles!

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!