Configure text on "save message" button?

aaronwindsor 3y, 37d ago [edited]

Can this text be configured? I don't see an option in Namespace settings. I'd like to change it to something more like "Post comment" instead of "save message"

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russell 3y, 36d ago [edited]

We need a pull request to make all the buttons configurable & allow for auto locale languages, based on user's client defaults.

Thank you, I love you. (Christ Conciousness)

♾️✌️🏹 ✊️ ♥️

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aaronwindsor 3y, 23d ago

This doesn't really answer my question, and the "I love you" is a pretty weird thing to say to someone you haven't met. Are you saying that if I write a pull request to do this, you'd be willing to accept it, or are you saying that it's already a feature in progress?

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russell 3y, 23d ago
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Georgy 3y, 22d ago

Hi Russell!

Can you elaborate on this? I didn’t understand how to configure the text in the button.

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russell 3y, 21d ago [edited]

Cannot be configured at the moment.

Work arounds:

  • fork project & self host & change the hard coded values.

  • create a pull request to make it possible to configure from Namespace settings.

Hope that helps.

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Georgy 3y, 21d ago

That’s sad but thanks for the reply!

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