Where can I find a feature list?

russell 7y, 4d ago [edited]

For now this question will serve as a "living document" of all features.

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russell 7y, 4d ago

Comments are plain text but support Markdown as a power up.

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russell 7y, 4d ago

A Namespace owner can moderate comments. They can edit or delete any comment as if they wrote it.

For details, checkout: What is a Namespace?

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russell 7y, 4d ago

Control how Remarkbox looks on your site with a custom stylesheet.

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russell 7y, 4d ago

Default avatars and optionally Gravatar.

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russell 6y, 294d ago

Deeply nested comments

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russell 6y, 294d ago


remark link
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kavo33 6y, 3d ago

it's secure ?

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russell 6y, 3d ago

It uses the same security abstraction as a typical "forgot my password" system.

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russell 6y, 294d ago [edited]

Works anywhere that supports HTML!

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russell 6y, 274d ago

Comments help your page SEO and search.

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russell 6y, 274d ago

Comments are plain text but support MathJax as a power up for Mathematical equations.

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russell 6y, 274d ago

Users do not need an account to comment!

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russell 6y, 248d ago

All of your comments for all of your web sites from a single dashboard!

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